Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
The ARTG is the public database of therapeutic goods that can be legally supplied in Australia. You can search the ARTG to find details of therapeutic goods approved for supply.
Information held in the ARTG includes product name and formulation details, and sponsor (company) and manufacturer details.
For more details and how to use the ARTG search function, go to Searching the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
Search results from the ARTG include Consumer Medicine Information (CMI), Product Information (PI) and Public Summary documents. Not all CMI and PI documents are available on this website.
Search for health products on our ARTG database
For a more detailed search, we have an ARTG visualisation tool. This has been developed for larger screens and Chrome browser.
Access to therapeutic goods not on the ARTG
As with many aspects of the regulatory framework, there are situations where special policies have been developed in response to the needs of particular people or circumstances. Information on these policies and the relevant procedures can be found at:
- Prescribe an unapproved therapeutic good (health practitioners)
- Personal importation scheme
- Clinical trials
- Accessing medicines during a medicine shortage
These schemes cannot be used to facilitate the commercial supply of therapeutic goods.
Caruso's Natural Health Pty Ltd is recalling certain batches of WEE LESS, BLOAT EZE and ASHWAGANDHA 7500 due to suspected tampering.
There is a potential for insulin leakage with the Accu-Chek Spirit 3.15 ml cartridge system due to a manufacturing problem.
Insulet is advising they have received complaints of Omnipod DASH PDM/controller battery depletion as a result of the 3G network deactivation in the region.
TGA confirms decision to not register lecanemab (LEQEMBI)
Following a request from the sponsor to reconsider their decision, the TGA has confirmed the initial decision to not register the medicine on the basis that the safety and efficacy of the medicine were not satisfactorily established. -
Update to listed medicine ingredients in March 2025
Listed medicine ingredients and requirements for their use have been updated in the Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Ingredients) Determination (No. 1) 2025, which commenced on 1 March 2025 -
Elemental impurities in traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs)
TCMs sold in Australia are carefully regulated to ensure safety and quality.
An overview of the Medicines Repurposing Program's purpose and history.