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Prescription medicines collection
This collection provides a list of content related to prescription medicines.
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- Prescription medicines (74)
- Over the counter (OTC) medicines (12)
- Manufacturing (7)
- Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) (6)
- Complementary medicines (6)
- Non-prescription medicines (6)
- Safety (6)
- Regulatory compliance (5)
- Shortages (5)
- In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) (4)
- Labelling and packaging (4)
- Therapeutic goods regulation (4)
- Import and export (3)
- Listed medicines (3)
- Scheduling (national classification system) (3)
- Advisory bodies and committees (2)
- Biological medicines (2)
- Legislation (2)
- Medicine safety (2)
- Registered complementary medicines (2)
- Alert/Advisory (1)
- Assessed listed medicines (1)
- Clinical trials (1)
- Electronic submissions (1)
- Fees and payments (1)
- Medicinal cannabis hub (1)
- TGA conformity assessment certification (1)
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99 result(s) found, displaying 21 to 30
GuidanceGuidance for sponsors and manufacturers of prescription medicines that contain, or are produced by, genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
GuidanceGuidance on providing adventitious agent safety information in applications for medicines containing, or manufactured using, materials of animal or human origin.
GuidanceGuidance on provisional registration process for prescription medicines with provisional determination.
GuidanceThis guidance explains the administrative and prescribing (dossier) information you need to support the registration of a prescription medicine. It also applies to varying the details of an Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) registration for a prescription medicine.
GuidanceAustralian recommendations and requirements
GuidanceGuidance about how to make variations to Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) entries for prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance about the types of notifications and variations for biological medicines.
GuidanceGuidance about the types of notifications and variations for chemically derived (non-biological) prescription medicines.
GuidanceGuidance explaining types of variations, for registered medicines and biologicals, that can be submitted as notifications due to being very low risk.
GuidanceGuidance on the mandatory requirements for reporting current and anticipated reportable medicine shortages and discontinuations in Australia.