The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Invitations and submissions
- Scheduling advisory committees invitations for public comment
Notices inviting public submissions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - Public submissions on scheduling matters
Public submissions made in response to proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard and the delegate's interim decision
- Scheduling delegate's interim decisions & invitations for further comment
Reasons and an invitation for further public submissions from the applicant and persons who submitted comments - Scheduling delegate's final decisions
Reasons for decisions for amendments to the Poisons Standard
- Modified release paracetamol
An application to ACSM regarding proposed rescheduling from S2 to S3
Other consultations, reviews and information
- Re-scheduling of psilocybin and MDMA in the Poisons Standard – Questions and Answers
- 3 February 2023: Information on the final decision to amend the scheduling of psilocybin and MDMA in the Poisons Standard.
- Interim decision on paracetamol access controls in the Poisons Standard – Questions and Answers
- 3 February 2023: Information on the interim decision to amend the scheduling of paracetamol in the Poisons Standard.
- Update to the Poisons Standard formatting and structure
28 November 2022: Information on the changes to the formatting of and structure of the Poison Standard from February 2023. - Independent expert report on the risks of intentional self-poisoning with paracetamol
9 May 2022: Independent expert report on the risks of intentional self-poisoning with paracetamol. - Implementation of decisions and actions following the review of chemical scheduling in relation to cosmetic and fragrance ingredients
9 November 2021: Update to the summary of decisions and actions published in October 2019. - An evaluation of the therapeutic value, benefits and risks of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and psilocybin for the treatment of mental, behavioural or developmental disorders
30 September 2021: Publication of the independent expert review of MDMA and psilocybin. - Update on the interim decision for nitrous oxide
20 July 2021: Publication of the interim decision for nitrous oxide has been delayed. - Update on interim decisions for substances referred to the March 2021 ACMS/ACCS meetings
30 June 2021: Publication of interim decisions for substances referred to the March 2021 ACMS/ACCS meetings have been delayed. - Update on Psilocybin and MDMA scheduling
7 April 2021: The Scheduling Delegate has decided to seek further advice in relation to psilocybin and MDMA - Independent Expert Panel on MDMA and psilocybin
5 August 2021: Systematic literature review of the therapeutic value, benefits and risks of MDMA and psilocybin - Nicotine Regulation Impact Statement (RIS)
21 December 2020: The RIS is publicly available, in addition to the delegate's final decision on the scheduling of nicotine. - Consultation: Interim decision of entry of nicotine in the Poisons Standard
23 September 2020: Information on the proposed changes to nicotine scheduling, what it would mean for consumers, medical practitioners and pharmacists if the interim decision is made final and how to have your say on the proposed changes. - Targeted consultation: Review of chemical scheduling in relation to cosmetic and fragrance ingredients
9 October 2019: Through a targeted consultation, the TGA invited the views of a number of stakeholders on proposed options for process improvements relating to the scheduling of cosmetic and consumer product ingredients - Changes to the way modified release paracetamol products are supplied: questions and answers
22 August 2019: Information about the final decision regarding scheduling of modified release paracetamol - Alkyl nitrites consultation
6 June 2019: Regulatory options for appropriate access and safety controls for alkyl nitrites - Codeine re-scheduling Regulation Impact Statement (RIS)
20 December 2016: The RIS and the associated economic modelling report are publicly available, in addition to the delegate's final decision on the rescheduling of codeine