Information to assist manufacturers understand their regulatory responsibilities, including licensing.
In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 requires, with certain exceptions, that manufacturers of therapeutic goods hold a licence or a conformity assessment certificate.
It is an offence, carrying heavy penalties, to manufacture therapeutic goods for human use without a licence or a conformity assessment certificate unless the manufacturer or goods are exempt from this requirement.
Only Australian manufacturing sites can obtain a manufacturing licence.
Overseas manufacturers can instead obtain GMP certification following a successful on-site inspection by the TGA.
GMP certification applications are required to be submitted by the Australian sponsor or an agent acting on the Australian sponsor's behalf.
More information
- Good manufacturing practice: an overview
- Australian manufacturing licences and overseas GMP certification
- Manufacture of therapeutic goods
- Manufacturing principles & guidelines
- Manufacturing basics - Medicines and biologicals
- Inspection and audit feedback forms
- Webinar: Good Clinical Practice Inspection Program - 12 May
- SME Assist
Access strategic plan: Updated for 2025-2028
The updated plan emphasises solidifying our collaborative processes, aligning expectations with industry, and improving our communication strategies. -
Consent relating to listed medicines that contain whole live microorganisms as an active ingredient
This consent is given under sections 14 and 14A of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989. -
Automatic extension of Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) clearances
MRA GMP clearances that are expiring on 31 December 2024 will be automatically extended.
A meeting statement from the second meeting of the Point-of-care Manufacturing of Medical Devices Steering Committee is now available.
A meeting statement from the first meeting of the Point-of-care Manufacturing of Medical Devices Steering Committee is now available.
The guidelines set out the criteria which must be met for any additional manufacturing sites to be included as secondary sites on new or existing manufacturing licences.