302614 (plastic bottles of 75 tablets) 302846 and 400080 (plastic bottles of 200 tablets)
Bullivants Natural Health Products Pty Limited (Mayne Consumer Products)
1800 777 889 Mayne Consumer Product Hotline
If consumers followed the directions on the label it would lead to the ingestion of 90 milligrams of zinc, an amount which should only be used under medical supervision.
Recall letters will be dispatched on 5 May 2004.
Classification system:
Class I defects are potentially life-threatening or could cause a serious risk to health.
Class II defects could cause illness or mistreatment, but are not Class I.
Class III defects may not pose a significant hazard to health, but withdrawal may be initiated for other reasons.
Class I & II recalls are considered to be safety related recalls.