Suspended from ARTG - ZOLISON 150mg ranitidine (as hydrochloride) tablet blister pack (311749)
ARTG ID 311749
Suspended from ARTG - ZOLISON 150mg ranitidine (as hydrochloride) tablet blister pack
Product name
ZOLISON 150mg ranitidine (as hydrochloride) tablet blister pack
Registration Type
Therapeutic good type
ranitidine hydrochloride
Licence category
Licence status
Related information
2023-24Annual charge exemptionExempt from annual charge in 2023-24 due to AVALLON PHARMACEUTICALS PTY LTD declaring $0 turnover in that period.
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 28/01/2020
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/01/2021
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/07/2021
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/01/2022
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/01/2023
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29-07-2023
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/01/2024
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/07/2024
Cancellation or suspensionRegulatory action due to Under subsection 29D(1)(b); it is likely there are grounds for cancelling this medicine from the ARTG under section 30(2)(a) on the basis that the quality of the goods is unacceptable., effective 29/01/2025