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Wyeth Consumer Healthcare - Dimetapp daytime/nightime
Published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. GN 37, 19 September 2007
I, CRAIG DAVIES, Head - Advertising and Export Section, Non-Prescription Medicines Branch, Therapeutic Goods Administration and delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Health and Ageing for the purposes of Section 42DF(1) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989, give notice that the restricted representations described in paragraph (a) below, have been approved for use in advertisements directed to consumers, for the product listed in paragraph (b):
- Representations to the effect that advertisements to consumers for the goods described in paragraph (b) may refer to:
"If you have high blood pressure, you should be aware that the use of a decongestant may affect your blood pressure. Ask your pharmacist". - Dimetapp Daytime / Nightime liquid caps (AUST R 137255)
sponsored by Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Pty Ltd
Dated this 5th day of September 2007
Delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Health and Ageing