Public submissions made in response to:
- the delegates' proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard published on 13 December 2018 and received before the first closing date under regulation 42ZCZK of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 (the Regulations); and
- the delegates' proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard published on 10 January 2019 and received before the first closing date under regulation 42ZCZK of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 (the Regulations).
- The delegates' interim decisions and invitation to comment published on 6 June 2019 and received before the second closing date under regulation 42ZCKP of the Regulations.
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to an expert advisory committee
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the ACMS #26
*Large file warning: Attempting to open large files over the Internet within the browser window may cause problems. It is strongly recommended you download this document to your own computer and open it from there.
- Consultation submission: AFT Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd (pdf,23kb)
- Consultation submission: Arthritis Australia (pdf,320kb)
- Consultation submission: Australian Self Medication Industry (pdf,381kb)
- Consultation submission: Consumers Health forum of Australia (pdf,455kb)
- Consultation submission: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Australia Pty Ltd (pdf,2.16Mb)*
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission
- Consultation submission: NPS MedicineWise (pdf,282kb)
- Consultation submission: NSW Poisons Information Centre (pdf,663kb)*
- Consultation submission: Pain Australia (pdf,630kb)
- Consultation submission: Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (pdf,378kb)
- Consultation submission: Prince of Wales Hospital (pdf,569kb)*
- Consultation submission: Queensland Poisons Information Centre (pdf,346kb)
- Consultation submission: Ronald Batagol (pdf,14kb)
- Consultation submission: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (pdf,271kb)
- Consultation submission: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (pdf,150kb)
- Consultation submission: The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (pdf,30kb)
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the Joint ACMS-ACCS #24
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the ACCS #21
- Consultation submission: Accord Australasia (pdf,71kb)
- Consultation submission: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (pdf,148kb)
- No submissions received.
Public submissions on interim decisions
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the ACMS #26
- Consultation submission: Consumer Healthcare Products Australia (pdf,231kb)
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission.
- No submissions received.
- No submissions received.
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the Joint ACMS-ACCS #24
- No submissions received.
Public submissions on proposed amendments referred to the ACCS #21
- No submissions received.
- No submissions received.
Outcome of
- ACMS #26, March 2019
- ACCS #24, March 2019
- Joint ACMS-ACCS meeting #21, March 2019
- Consultation: Referral of proposed amendment to the current Poisons Standard to the meeting of the ACMS, March 2019
- Consultation: Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACCS, ACMS and Joint ACCS/ACMS meetings, March 2019
- Consultation: Proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard - ACCS meeting, March 2019
- Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS)
- Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling (ACCS)