You are here Home News and Community Natural Look antiseptic ear care lotion Medicine recall Published 15 June 2005 Listen Print Share Loading... Level: Consumer Class: II Reference: R2005/638 Date agreed: 15 June 2005 Product: Natural Look Antiseptic Ear Care Lotion ARTG number: AUST R 45901 Batch number: All batches Expiry All expiry dates Sponsor: Artav Australia Contact: Customer Service 1800 805 276 Reason: Samples were found to be contaminated with micro-organisms. Recall letters were dispatched from 9 June 2005. Recall notices will appear in newspapers on 16 June 2005. Classification system: Class I defects are potentially life-threatening or could cause a serious risk to health. Class II defects could cause illness or mistreatment, but are not Class I. Class III defects may not pose a significant hazard to health, but withdrawal may be initiated for other reasons. Class I & II recalls are considered to be safety related recalls.