Warning about advertising that conflicts with stay at home when sick advice
The TGA is reminding advertisers that therapeutic goods advertising must not undermine public health campaigns, as the cold and flu season begins in Australia and COVID-19 restrictions are eased.
Warning about products claiming to treat or prevent the novel coronavirus
The TGA has identified certain therapeutic goods being inappropriately promoted for the prevention or treatment of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infections in Australia -
TGA issues warning about illegal advertising relating to COVID-19
The TGA will take action in relation to the illegal advertising of therapeutic goods, including those that make false and misleading claims about preventing or curing COVID-19 -
Canberra individual fined $2,664 for alleged unlawful advertising of a homoeopathic medicine in relation to COVID-19
The TGA has issued an infringement notice for $2,664 to an individual from Canberra, for a breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 in relation to the alleged unlawful advertising of a homoeopathic medicine with COVID-19 claims.