You are here Home Products we regulate Medicines Medicines and TGA classifications How the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) classifies and regulates medicines. Listen Print Share Loading... Australia has a two-tiered system for the regulation of medicines, including complementary medicines:Higher risk medicines must be registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), which involves individually evaluating the quality, safety and effectiveness of the product.Lower risk medicines containing pre-approved, low-risk ingredients and that make limited claims can be listed on the ARTG.Within the regulatory framework, medicines are classified as either registered or listed: Registered medicinesRegistered medicines are assessed by the TGA for quality, safety and efficacy.All prescription medicines are registered.Most over-the-counter medicines are registered.Some complementary medicines are registered. Listed medicinesListed medicines are assessed by the TGA for quality and safety but not efficacy.Some over-the-counter medicines are listed.Most complementary medicines are listed. Topics Therapeutic goods regulation Main navigation