Searching the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
Information on the ARTG and how to use the search function.
About the ARTG
The publicly accessible version of the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) is the reference database of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and provides information on therapeutic goods that can be supplied in Australia.
Unless exempt, therapeutic goods not entered on the ARTG cannot be supplied in Australia.
While the ARTG is a record of the contents and classification details of therapeutic goods, please note that it is not intended to provide guidance, advice or recommendations on those goods.
For a more detailed search, we have a ARTG search version - external site that has been developed for larger screens and Chrome browser.
Therapeutic goods not in the ARTG
Exempt therapeutic goods
Exempt therapeutic goods do not need to be included in the ARTG. However, as these products are considered therapeutic goods, they must comply with all relevant legislative requirements for therapeutic goods. Details of exempt therapeutic goods are provided in Schedules 5 and 5A of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.
Unapproved therapeutic goods
There are special circumstances where individuals can access unapproved therapeutic goods. For more information, see Access to unapproved products.
Using the ARTG search function
You can search the ARTG for both medicines and medical devices. Enter your search term into the search box on the TGA website, and you can search using:
- the product name
- licence details
- sponsor details
- active ingredient names
- the ARTG identifier number.
ARTG dates
The ARTG public summary contains information about the product including the ARTG start date, the effective date and more.
The ARTG start date is the date the product was added to the ARTG. The effective date is the date the last change to the entry came into effect.
Products remain on the ARTG unless:
- the sponsor requests that the product be cancelled.
- concerns are raised about the safety of the product that result in regulatory action.
- the sponsor does not pay the necessary charges.