The TGA has evaluated the safety and quality of the herbal species Garcinia gummi-gutta, also commonly known as Garcinia cambogia, and determined that it is safe and of appropriate quality to be used as an ingredient in lower risk (listed) medicines. However, as with other listed medicine ingredients, we did not specifically evaluate whether or not the ingredient works.
There has been considerable interest in products containing Garcinia gummi-gutta because it is used in products promoted as weight loss aids.
More information on what is involved in the evaluation of a listed ingredient is available at Listed Medicines: the role of Australia's medicines regulator.
Garcinia gummi-gutta and Garcinia quaesita
Garcinia quaesita and Garcinia gummi-gutta are two distinct herbal species within the same genus. Garcinia quaesita has been listed as an ingredient suitable for use in listed complementary medicines for some time.
Evidence to support indications and claims
If a sponsor includes the ingredient Garcinia gummi-gutta in their medicine they are reminded that they are required to hold evidence to support any indication or claim made in relation to their medicine and this information must be provided to the TGA if requested.
Specific information on the evidential considerations relevant to weight loss indications are outlined in part B of the 'Evidence guidelines'.