The TGA thanks respondents who provided submissions in response to the July 2017 public consultation paper Consultation: Alignment with European Medical Device Regulatory Framework.
A total of 22 submissions were received, which comprised:
- 8 submissions from industry
- 5 submissions from peak bodies
- 5 consumer and consumer representative bodies
- 2 submissions from academic institutions and hospitals
- 2 submissions from government agencies and other respondents
All submissions that gave permission to be published on the TGA website are now available below in PDF format.
TGA response
The TGA has considered the submissions received. The feedback provided will inform the policy and future implementation pathway. Stakeholders supported TGA's proposals to up-classify all surgical mesh and to introduce consumer Product Information leaflet and patient implant cards with medical devices. There were mixed reactions to the transition times. The TGA will seek to balance the differing views and need for improved public health outcomes.
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- Consultation submission: Anonymous (pdf,88kb)
- Consultation submission: AusBiotech Ltd (pdf,228kb)
- Consultation submission: Australian Dental Industry Association (pdf,691kb)*
- Consultation submission: Australian Medical Association (pdf,102kb)
- Consultation submission: Cochlear Ltd (pdf,146kb)
- Consultation submission: Consumers Health Forum of Australia (pdf,186kb)
- Consultation submission: MED-EL (pdf,238kb)
- Consultation submission: Medical Technology Association of Australia (pdf,1.06Mb)*
- Consultation submission: MedTech Europe (pdf,120kb)
- Consultation submission: Monash Health (pdf,296kb)
- Consultation submission: Pain Australia (pdf,59kb)
- Consultation submission: Public Health Association of Australia (pdf,416kb)
- Consultation submission: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (pdf,242kb)
- Consultation submission: Royal Australian College of Surgeons (pdf,126kb)
- Consultation submission: Safer Care Victoria (pdf,102kb)
- Consultation submission: School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University (pdf,26kb)