You are here Home About us What we do Who we are and what we do Video: About the Therapeutic Goods Administration A short video to take you through who we are and what we do. Last updated 14 January 2019 Listen Print Share Loading... TranscriptShow transcript for this videoOn any given day, our work benefits the health and wellbeing of every Australian.Whether using vitamins or medicines...Or receiving a cutting edge medical treatment...We're here to make sure health products are safe for you to use.Whether you need a transplant – or an implant...need a blood transfusion – or a vaccine...Whether you're creating life...or living life to the full.We make sure products are safe, high quality, and do what they're supposed to.We keep an eye on medicines, and if we find a problem, we'll tell you.It's nice to know that someone is looking out for you.To help you get well, and stay well.Because we're for the better health and wellbeing of all Australians through regulatory excellence.We are the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Main navigation