We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
How do I create an Organisation Contact for my organisation?
Click on View my organisation then on Add new contact. The Create new organisation contact screen will then be displayed:
Editable fields
- Title - optional. Select from Drop-down list
- Given name - this field cannot contain any of these characters ,()[]{}<>.
- Family name - this field cannot contain any of these characters ,()[]{}<>.
- Confirm email
- Phone
- Mobile - optional
- Fax - optional
- Address - Select from Drop-down list, populated with the organisation's existing active addresses
- System Roles - check box
- Organisation contact role - drop down list
- Contact authorisation - check box
All fields are mandatory unless marked optional. Fill in the mandatory fields and click on 'Create'.
You will be returned to the previous screen with a message indicating that an Organisation Contact has been added.
The new Organisational Contact will be sent an email containing instructions on how to log in to the business portal.
You have the option to cancel the addition of the new Organisation Contact at any stage prior to clicking on Create. If you do so then the new Organisation Contact will not be added and you will be returned to the previous screen.
- If an Organisation Contact for this organisation already exists with the same email address, the new Organisation Contact will be deemed a duplicate and will not be created.
- If an Organisation Contact for another organisation (e.g. an agent) already exists with same the email address, the new Organisation Contact will still be created but they will be given a user ID to login with rather than the email address.
How do I assign or modify user system roles for an Organisation Contact?
Click on View my organisation then on View all contacts. You will be presented with a list of Active and Inactive Organisation Contacts.
Select the Contact whose system roles you wish to modify and click on Edit Contact.
The Edit organisation contact screen for the Contact will be displayed, including a section called System roles.
Check or uncheck the system role boxes to add or remove roles from the Contact.
Click on Update details. You will then be returned to the My organisation screen.
- Multiple system roles can be assigned to a Contact.
- If an error occurs a message will appear at the top of the screen.
How do I activate or deactivate an Organisation Contact in my Organisation?
Click on View my organisation then on View all contacts. You will be presented with a list of Active and Inactive organisation contacts.
Double Click on the Organisation Contact you wish to activate or deactivate. The View organisation contact screen will then be displayed.
- If the Contact is currently active the Deactivate user button will be visible. Click on the button. You will then be returned to the View organisation contacts screen and a message will be displayed saying that that Request to have the user deactivated has been submitted.
- If the contact is currently inactive the Activate user button will be visible. Click on the button. You will then be returned to the View organisation contacts screen and a message will be displayed, saying that the Request to have user activated has been submitted.
If you select Cancel you will be returned to the previous screen.
- If an Organisation Contact has the status of Inactive, they will not be able to log in to the Business Portal.
- If you deactivate an Organisation Contact that is associated with active GMP licences and/or active Ingredient entries, a message will be displayed to inform you that the deactivated Organisation Contact is still recorded as a contact for active manufacturing documents and/or active ingredient entries.
- If the Organisation Contact selected has a system role of Administrator and is active, the Deactivate user button will not be visible.
- When a deactivated Organisation Contact is made active, an email will be sent to the email address specified for that Organisation Contact containing details of how to log on to the Business Portal.
How do I create additional addresses for my organisation?
Click on View my organisation then on Add new address. The Add new organisation address screen will then be displayed:
Editable fields
- Address usage - radio button with the values Postal & Street.
- Address line 1 - this field cannot contain any of these characters .,()[]{}<>
- Address line 2 - optional. This field cannot contain any of these characters .,()[]{}<>
- City - conditional. If the Country field is Australia then this field must be populated with a valid Australian city.
- State/Region/Province - if the Country field is Australia then this field must be populated with a valid Australian state. If an overseas country then this field is free text and must be populated.
- Postcode - conditional. If the Country field is Australia then this field must be populated with a valid Australian postcode.
Non editable fields
- Country
All fields are mandatory unless marked optional. Fill in the mandatory fields then click on Add address. The new address will be saved, you will be returned to the previous screen and a message will be displayed indicating that an address has been added.
If you click on Cancel before clicking Add address the new address will not be added and you will be returned to the previous screen.
- If Postal is selected then the system will check that there is not already an active or inactive postal address with the identical address details. If there is an identical active postal address you will not be able to create the address and a message will be displayed stating this. If there is an identical inactive postal address you will not be able to create the address and a message will be displayed telling you to contact the TGA Help Desk to activate the address.
- If Street is selected then the system will check that there is not already an active or inactive street address with the identical address details. If there is an identical active street address you will not be able to create the address and a message will be displayed stating this. If there is an identical inactive street address you will not be able to create the address and a message will be displayed telling you to contact the TGA Help Desk to activate the address.
- It is possible to have 2 addresses that are identical, but only if one has an address usage of 'Postal' and the other has an address usage of Street.
How do I reset an Organisation Contact's password
Click on View my organisation then on View all contacts. You will be presented with a list of Active and Inactive Organisation Contacts. Double click on the relevant Organisation Contact, and the View organisation contact screen will be displayed then select Reset password a message will be displayed Password has been reset and an email containing a link to choose a new password has been sent to the contact.
After clicking the link within the email the Organisation Contact will be taken to a system screen where they can enter a new password.
The Contact will have 24 hours to reset their password.
How do I update my Organisation's details?
Click on View my organisation then on select Edit my organisation.
Editable fields:
- Phone
- Fax - optional
- Web Address - optional
- Alias
- Billing Attention
- Billing To Email
- Billing CC Email
Edit the relevant fields then click Update details. Your changes will be saved and you will be returned to the previous screen with a message indicating that the organisation details have been updated.
If you click Cancel then no changes will be made and you will be returned to the previous screen.
- All fields are mandatory unless marked optional.
- A new alias can be added.
- Existing aliases cannot be removed or modified.
How do I view the Organisation Connections for my Organisation?
Organisation Connections are assigned by the administrator. They may be agents or manufacturers. To see your Organisation Connections click on View my organisation then on View all connections. The list of Organisation Connections will be displayed.