We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
How do I update my contact details?
Click on Account settings in the top right hand corner the View my details page will be displayed. Click on Edit my profile and the Edit my profile page will be displayed.
Editable fields
- Title - optional
- Phone - mandatory
- Mobile - optional
- Fax - optional
- Address - optional. This can be selected from the list of active addresses associated with the organisation.
Make any changes required then click Update details. Your changes will be saved and you will be returned to the previous screen.
If you click Cancel no changes will be made and you will be returned to the previous screen.
How do I view my drafts and submissions?
On the Dashboard you will see a tabbed interface in the Work in progress section. This provides a view of your organisation's 10 most recent drafts and 10 most recent submissions. Both lists are ordered by most recent first.
Selecting View all will show you all the drafts and recently submitted applications for your organisation.
Where can I see applications?
On the applications menu you will see a large menu. Click into the links to go into your applications. This will take you back into the eBS site - the next stages of the upgrade will involve changes to these areas of the site.
How do I upload documents?
On the Documents menu you will be able to upload documents to applications, including:
- Clearances, licences or certifications, if you are a medicine manufacturer
- Consumer Medicine Information
- Product Information
Select the relevant tab and then you will be able to upload your document.