Under the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 (the Regulations), the Committee comprises of nine nominated members and no more than eight appointed members.
Under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act), the Commonwealth, each State, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory are entitled to nominate a member on this Committee. These Committee members are referred to as 'nominated' members.
Under the Regulations, the Minister must appoint no more than eight additional members, selected through an open invitation process. These Committee members are referred to as 'appointed' members.
Membership of ACCS comprises professionals with specific scientific, medical or clinical expertise, as well as appropriate consumer health issues relating to chemicals.
Appointed members
Dr Marion Healy has extensive experience and expertise in assessing and managing risks to public health arising from chemicals and other hazards. She holds a PhD in molecular biology and was the Deputy CEO and Chief Scientist at FSANZ and Director of NICNAS (now AICIS). She has experience in regulatory systems, particularly working at the science/policy interface to support regulatory decision making. Dr Healy provides expertise in industrial or domestic chemicals, agricultural or veterinary chemicals and the regulation of scheduled chemicals in Australia.
Dr Philip Barker has broad experience across chemical science and extensive experience as a research chemist. His recent work in antimicrobial chemistry, and particularly sunscreen science, covers all aspects of formulation, regulation, testing and function. Dr Barker provides expertise in toxicology, industrial or domestic chemicals and industry issues relating to the regulation of chemicals.
Dr Rose Cairns is a senior poisons specialist and the Director of Research at the NSW Poisons Information Centre, Children's Hospital in Westmead, as well as a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy at The University of Sydney, and the NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow. She is also on the editorial board for Clinical Toxicology, and a peer reviewer for numerous academic journals. Her clinical role involves providing risk assessment and management advice on human poisonings. Dr Cairns provides expertise in the fields of toxicology and the clinical aspects of human poisoning.
Associate Professor Richard Gordon holds a PhD in Immunology and Toxicology with over 15 years of research experience. He is a board-certified toxicologist with the American Board of Toxicology. He routinely evaluates pharmacology, efficacy and safety/toxicology data for small molecule drugs, natural compounds and repurposed therapeutics. Associate Professor Gordon provides expertise in toxicology, industrial or domestic chemicals, agricultural or veterinary chemicals, clinicals aspects of human poisoning and industry issues relating to the regulation of chemicals.
Mr Christopher Joseph is an agricultural producer, consultant and active participant in agricultural industry bodies. He serves the interests of regional, rural and remote areas of Australia with his work in health, education, water, regional services, communications and cultural issues. Mr Joseph provides expertise in industrial or domestic chemicals, agricultural or veterinary chemicals, and consumer and industry issues relating to the regulation of chemicals.
Dr Sam Kovac is a qualified veterinarian as well as a collaborator in the University of Sydney’s Partners in Veterinary Education Program. He brings with him industry experience as well as a unique consumer perspective and committee governance, having founded the Project Homeless Pet Charity. Dr Kovac provides expertise in veterinary medicine.
Dr Ian Musgrave is a molecular pharmacologist/toxicologist and Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology at the University of Adelaide. He has a broad interest in neuronal function and survival, natural product pharmacology, and drug design. Dr Musgrave is a member of the Toxicology Special Interest Group of the Australasian Society of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, and is also an associate member of the Forensic and Clinical Toxicology Association. As a member of the Australian Science Communicators, he seeks to promote research in and understanding of toxicology. Dr Musgrave provides expertise in the fields of toxicology, and industrial, domestic, and agricultural chemicals.
Ms Annette Ruhotas AM is an experienced consumer and community involvement representative with expertise in social sustainability, and a background in civil engineering. Her current health sector appointments include the NSW Board of the Medical Board of Australia, the Medical Council of NSW, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, and the Selection into FACEM Training Committee of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine. She is also the National Deputy President of the Australian Red Cross Society. Ms Ruhotas provides expertise in the field of consumer health issues.