Therapeutic Goods (Medicines-Listing) Approval of Application Forms and Specification of Office to which Application Must be Delivered
Therapeutic Goods (Complementary Medicines-Section 26AE Listing) Approval of Application Form and Specification of Office to which Application Must be Delivered
This instrument applies to an application to list a complementary medicine under section 26AE of the Act. -
Therapeutic Goods (Complementary Medicines-Registration) Approval of Application Forms and Specification of Office to which Application Must be Delivered
This instrument applies to an application to register a complementary medicine -
Therapeutic Goods (Provisional and Priority Determinations and Orphan Drug Designations) Approval of Application Form
This instrument applies to the online form titled Prescription Medicines Designation/Determination Application in the TGA's electronic lodgement facility, completed in accordance with the relevant instructions in that form.