We are aware of an issue causing the title of some ARTG entries to disappear. We are investigating as a priority and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.
Important information about clinical trials, including advice relating to COVID-19, is available on the Department of Health's Australian clinical trials website.
Clinical trial processes - Information relating to COVID-19 provides clarification about the clinical trial process as it relates to COVID-19.
Clinical trials conducted in Australia are subject to various regulatory controls to ensure the safety of participants. We regulate the use of therapeutic goods supplied in clinical trials in Australia under the therapeutic goods legislation.
Good Clinical Practice Inspection Program
Clinical trials of medicines and biologicals regulated under the CTN or CTA schemes are subject to the TGA's Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Inspection Program.
The TGA has published guidance on the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Inspection program to provide sponsors with further information about the program's scope and process.
Clinical trial sponsors must be aware of the requirements to import, export, manufacture and supply therapeutic goods in Australia.
The following avenues provide for the importation into and/or supply in Australia of 'unapproved' therapeutic goods for use in a clinical trial:
- Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) scheme; and
- Clinical Trial Approval (CTA) scheme.
Clinical trials that do not involve 'unapproved' therapeutic goods are not subject to requirements of the CTN or CTA schemes. It is the responsibility of the Australian clinical trial sponsor to determine whether a product is considered an 'unapproved' therapeutic good.
Information about clinical trials for consumers, health care providers, researchers, industry and sponsors is available on the National Health and Medical Research Council's Australian clinical trials website.
CTN Scheme
The CTN Scheme is a notification process involving the following:
- The Australian clinical trial sponsor must notify us of the intent to sponsor a clinical trial involving an 'unapproved' therapeutic good. This must take place before starting to use the goods. The notification form must be submitted online and accompanied by the relevant fee.
- We may give the sponsor of the trial written notice to provide specified information relating to goods notified in the CTN form.
- We do not evaluate any data relating to the clinical trial at the time of submission. The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) reviews the scientific validity of the trial design, the balance of risk versus harm of the therapeutic good, the ethical acceptability of the trial process, and approves the trial protocol. The HREC is also responsible for monitoring the conduct of the trial.
- The institution or organisation at which the trial will be conducted, referred to as the 'Approving Authority', gives the final approval for the conduct of the trial at the site, having due regard to advice from the HREC.
- It is the responsibility of the sponsor to ensure that all relevant approvals are in place before supplying the 'unapproved' therapeutic goods in the clinical trial.
Under the Australian regulatory framework for biologicals certain Class 4 biologicals are not able to be supplied under the CTN Scheme and must be submitted under the CTA scheme.
CTN form
The online CTN form can be accessed via the TGA business services website.
For step-by-step instructions on how to obtain access to this form and submit a CTN, see the CTN form - user guide.
The CTN Scheme transitioned from paper-based applications to an online submission process on 1 July 2015. If a CTN has not been migrated to the new online portal, please contact the clinical trials team at clinical.trials@health.gov.au.
CTA Scheme
We are currently in the process of reviewing the CTA Scheme. More information at Review of Clinical Trial Approval Scheme.
The CTA Scheme is an approval process involving the following:
- A sponsor submits an application to us seeking approval to supply 'unapproved' therapeutic goods in a clinical trial. The application must be accompanied by the relevant fee.
- We evaluate summary information about the product including relevant, but limited, scientific data (which may be preclinical and early clinical data) prior to the start of a trial.
- The HREC is responsible for considering the scientific and ethical issues of the proposed trial protocol.
- The sponsor must notify us of each trial conducted using the 'unapproved' therapeutic good(s) approved in the CTA application.
If you are considering submitting a CTA application, you are strongly encouraged to contact us for advice regarding the application process.
CTA forms
The CTA forms can be accessed via CTA scheme forms.
Clinical trials guidance
We have published the Australian clinical trial handbook to provide guidance to clinical trial sponsors, Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), investigators and approving authorities (institutions).
The following guidelines are also relevant to clinical trials conducted under the CTN and CTA schemes:
- ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice with TGA annotations
- National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (National Statement) issued by NHMRC
- Note for guidance on clinical safety data management: definitions and standards for expedited reporting
- The NHMRC Guidance: Safety monitoring and reporting in clinical trials involving therapeutic goods
The Which clinical trial scheme should I choose? tool helps Australian trial sponsors determine whether the CTN or the CTA scheme is most appropriate for a clinical trial.
The Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) form: user guide has been created to provide information on how to access and use the online clinical trial notification (CTN) form. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to access TGA Business Services, create a new CTN, submit the CTN and make payment. You will also learn how to edit, save, validate, print and check the status of your submission.
We have also published several videos explaining the online CTN form.
- Video 1: Creating and submitting a Clinical Trial Notification (CTN)
- Video 2: Invoicing and the role of the Clinical Trials Repository