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MDMA and psilocybine hub
Find out how to prescribe or get access to MDMA or psilocybine.
Authorised psychiatrists can access products containing 3,4‑methylenedioxy‑methamphetamine (MDMA) or psilocybine for specific mental health conditions from 1 July 2023.
MDMA can be used for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Psilocybine can be used for treatment-resistant depression.
To access products containing MDMA or psilocybine, you must be a registered psychiatrist approved under the TGA's Authorised Prescriber scheme.
PageMDMA can be accessed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psilocybine can be accessed for treatment-resistant depression (TRD).
PageClinical resources and guidance on accessing MDMA and psilocybine under the Authorised Prescriber scheme.
PageInformation for pharmacists on dispensing, supplying and compounding MDMA and psilocybine.
PageInformation for Australian sponsors on manufacturing, supplying and importing MDMA and psilocybine.
GuidanceGuidance on how to comply with the quality standards for MDMA (TGO 112) and psilocybine (TGO 113).