NutriVital Premium 50 Billion Probiotic + (Cancelled from the ARTG under 30(2)(a) and 30(2)(ba) of the Act)
Product name
NutriVital Premium 50 Billion Probiotic +
Date action takes effect
Compliance action
Complementary medicine cancellation
Type of action
Cancelled from the ARTG under 30(2)(a) and 30(2)(ba) of the Act
Grounds for regulatory action
It appeared to the Secretary that the quality, safety or efficacy of the goods was unacceptable.As there was insufficient information or evidence to support the claims about the product, the certification made under s.26A(2)(j) of the Act was incorrect.
Decision status
Internal review requested by sponsor overturned the cancellation decision. The medicine remains listed on the ARTG.