While the consultation is open you can make a submission at our TGA consultation hub - external site.
We review the submissions carefully. After that the submissions and our decision will be available on the same page at the TGA consultation hub - external site.
About this consultation
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is considering regulatory options to allow advertisers, including product sponsors, to make references to the TGA in advertising (including on product labels).
We are seeking feedback on:
- whether references to the TGA should be allowed in therapeutic goods advertising
- the class or classes of therapeutic goods, if any, that should be allowed to refer to the TGA
- options for what a reference to the TGA could look like
- options for how an authorised reference to TGA may be used in advertising
- whether references to TGA should be optional or mandatory for advertisers.
The consultation opened on Monday 26 September 2022. Interested parties must respond by close of business Monday 7 November 2022.
For enquiries relating to the consultation document or your submission please email advertising.consultation@health.gov.au.
All recent TGA consultations can be found at the TGA consultation hub - external site.