The meeting of the Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines (ACCM).
The committee's advice was sought on a number of issues that arose from consultation on the list of permitted indications for listed medicines. Specifically, advice was sought on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) indications not being understood by general consumers, and the inclusion of indications in the permitted indications list referring to: vulnerable populations, cellular actions, cosmetic-like claims and biomarkers.
The committee's advice was also sought on the appropriateness of a registered complementary medicine application proposing a trade name that implied the medicine contains certain active ingredients.
Finally, the committee's advice was sought on the TGA proposal to discontinue pre-market evaluation of Herbal Component Names (HCNs).
Membership comprises of professionals with specific scientific, medical, clinical expertise as well as appropriate consumer health issues relating to complementary medicines.
Meeting statementsAdvisory Committee on Complementary Medicines Meeting 18 meeting statement