Information on the TGA Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Inspection Program, 9 May 2022
Guidance for GCP inspection of clinical trial sites
Last updated
These presentation papers are provided on the TGA's website solely for the purpose of indicating or suggesting what TGA representatives spoke about to the various conferences and seminars to which it relates. The papers are not legislative in nature and should not be taken to be statements of any law or policy in any way.
The Australian Government Department of Health (of which the TGA is a part) advises that (a) the presentation papers should not be relied upon in any way as representing a comprehensive description of regulatory requirements, and (b) cannot guarantee, and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for, the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information contained in the presentation paper.
Presented by: Dr. Tahli Fenner, Therapeutic Good Administration
Presented at: Online
Presentation date: Monday 9 May 2022
Presentation summary: To provide an overview on the new Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Inspection Program guidance document.