BioSource Concentrated Krill Oil 500mg Antioxidants + Omega 3 softgel capsules (Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Pty Ltd)
Product Name
BioSource Concentrated Krill Oil 500mg Antioxidants + Omega 3 softgel capsules
Date of review outcome
Date of publication
Medicine is no longer permitted to be supplied
Is it safe to continue using this medicine?
Yes, based on the sponsor’s certification. However, follow the recommended actions below.
What action should consumers take?
Do not take this medicine because it is past its expiry date
Review scope
Targeted (for presence of seafood warning)
Information reviewed
Issues related to safety
The safety of the medicine was not assessed as part of this review
Issues related to efficacy
The efficacy of the medicine was not assessed as part of this review
Actions taken during the review
The sponsor cancelled the medicine and withdrew it from further supply
Additional information
The sponsor cancelled the medicine because it is no longer marketed in Australia