Coles Zinc Plus (IVC Brunel Healthcare Pty Ltd)
Product Name
Coles Zinc Plus
Date of review outcome
Date of publication
Medicine continues to be permitted for supply. Batches released after 14 October 2019 must carry the correct vitamin A warning statements on the medicine label. Stock with the warning statement issues will be removed from retail shelves by 31 May 2020.
Is it safe to continue using this medicine?
Yes, however use of the medicine may pose a safety risk for some people. Follow the recommended actions below.
What action should consumers take?
The medicine contains vitamin A at 386 micrograms Retinol Equivalent (RE) per tablet. Vitamin A can cause birth defects when taken in excess of 3000 micrograms RE per day. If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist. The recommended daily amount of vitamin A from all sources is 700 micrograms RE for women and 900 micrograms RE for men.
Review scope
Information reviewed
ARTG Record, Labels, Website
Issues related to safety
The label was missing the mandatory warning statements that alert consumers about excess vitamin A exposure causing birth defects and the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. The warning statement related to use in pregnancy was missing a reference to the term ‘vitamin A’, was not in the correct location on the label and was inaccessible to consumers prior to purchase. The absence and incorrect placement of this information increases the risk of adverse outcomes for consumers, particularly women of childbearing age and individuals who are more susceptible to the toxic effects of vitamin A. The absence and incorrect placement of these warning statements is unacceptable, however, the probability of excess exposure to vitamin A as a result of this medicine is low and unlikely to pose an immediate risk to consumer health and safety.
Issues related to efficacy
The efficacy of the medicine was not assessed as part of this review
Actions taken during the review
The TGA required the sponsor to correct the issues with the medicine and withdraw non-compliant stock from supply. The sponsor updated the label to include the correct vitamin A warning statements and withdrew non-compliant stock from supply.