MagnEzinc P5P (Spectrumceuticals Pty Ltd)
Product Name
MagnEzinc P5P
Date of review outcome
Date of publication
Medicine is no longer permitted to be supplied
Is it safe to continue using this medicine?
What action should consumers take?
Consider whether the medicine is right for you given it does not contain magnesium in a sufficient quantity as to provide supplementation of this mineral. Consider whether the medicine is right for you based on the medicine potentially not working as expected in relation to healthy blood sugar regulation, proper growth and development and synthesis of proteoglycans (important structural component of cartilage and bone).
Review scope
Information reviewed
ARTG Record, Evidence, Labels, Website
Issues related to safety
Issues related to efficacy
The medicine did not contain the minimum quantity of magnesium to support claims related to dietary supplementation. The website implied that ingredients in the medicine were necessary for healthy blood sugar regulation, essential for proper growth and development and required for the synthesis of proteoglycans, an important structural component of cartilage and bone. However, the claims were not covered by the sponsor's certification that they held evidence to substantiate them.
Actions taken during the review
TGA required the sponsor to correct the issues with the medicine. The sponsor cancelled the medicine and withdrew it from further supply.