Silverwell Colloidal Silver Gel. (Silver Well Colloidal Silver)
Product Name
Silverwell Colloidal Silver Gel.
Date of review outcome
Date of publication
Medicine continues to be permitted for supply
Is it safe to continue using this medicine?
Yes, based on the sponsor's certification
What action should consumers take?
Consider whether the medicine is right for you based on the medicine potentially not working as expected in relation to rashes other than those associated with medically diagnosed shingles, mild psoriasis, mild eczema, dermatitis, heat rash, mild allergies, and mild or superficial skin fungal infections
Review scope
Information reviewed
Advertising (other), ARTG Record, Labels, Website
Issues related to safety
Issues related to efficacy
The advertised claim detailed in 'What action should consumers take?' above, was not covered by the sponsor's certification that they held evidence to substantiate it
Actions taken during the review
The TGA issued an educational letter to the sponsor. The sponsor was not required to respond but was expected to correct the identified issues.