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ALFENTANIL-HAMELN (Hameln Pharma Pty Ltd)

Product name
Date registered
Evaluation commenced
Decision date
Approval time
130 (255 working days)
Active ingredients
Alfentanil hydrochloride
Registration type
New generic medicine

Alfentanil-hameln is indicated for intravenous use by specialist anaesthetists and their trainees as:

  • an analgesic supplement given by incremental intravenous boluses or continuousinfusion; and
  • an anaesthetic induction agent where in patients undergoing in-patient surgery, whenendotracheal intubation and controlled ventilation are to be used.
  • Because of its rapid onset and short duration of action, intravenous Alfentanil-hameln is particularly suited as a narcotic analgesic for short procedures and outpatients, provided that the patients are maintained under appropriate post-operative surveillance. However, intravenous Alfentanil-hameln is also useful as an analgesic supplement for procedures of medium to long duration, since periods of very painful stimuli can be easily overcome by administration of small increments of Alfentanil-hameln or by adapting the infusion rate.

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