In Australia, nearly 150 Australians are hospitalised every day due to opioid harm - external site. This number is too high, so we’re encouraging all Australians to return their unused opioids to their local pharmacy.
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You can help spread the word about this important message by sharing one of the posts, images or videos below with your social network.
Simply copy and paste one of the posts we’ve prepared to your Facebook or Twitter, and share with its accompanying image or video.
Message 1: Don't keep your strong pain medicines 'just in case'
Strong pain medicines such as opioids shouldn’t be kept around 'just in case'.
Opioids are addictive and can have serious interactions with other medicines. They can also be accidentally consumed by children or pets, and are known to be targets for theft and misuse.
This is why we’re encouraging all Australians to return their unused opioids to their local pharmacy for safe disposal.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Strong pain medicines such as #opioids are #addictive and shouldn’t be kept around ‘just in case’. Return your unused opioids to your pharmacy for safe disposal today. #RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Message 2: Curiosity can kill
Leaving your unused opioid pain medicines around the home is dangerous for curious children and pets.
Don’t let curiosity kill the cat – return your unused opioids to your local pharmacy.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Leaving your unused pain medicines around the home is dangerous for curious children and pets. Don’t let curiosity kill the cat – return your unused opioids to your local pharmacy. #RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Message 3: Opioids cause over 100 hospitalisations every day
Did you know in Australia, nearly 150 Australians are hospitalised every day due to opioid harm?
Strong pain medicines such as opioids are addictive and should only be used when prescribed by a doctor, not stored for a rainy day.
Do your part to reduce opioid harm – return your unused opioids to your local pharmacy.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
In Australia, nearly 150 Australians are hospitalised every day from opioid harm. Opioids are #addictive, and should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. Do your part to reduce opioid harm – #ReturnYourOpioids to your local pharmacy. #RemoveTheRisk
Message 4: Two thirds of drug-related deaths involve opioids
In Australia, opioids are involved in 62% of all drug related deaths with prescription opioids accounting for more than twice as many deaths as the illegal opioid heroin.
Don’t add to this statistic – return your unused prescription opioids to your local pharmacy.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
In #Australia, 62% of all #drug related deaths involve #opioids and prescription opioids account for more than twice as many deaths as the illegal opioid #heroin. Don’t add to this statistic - #ReturnYourOpioids to your local pharmacy. #RemoveTheRisk
Message 5: Not all pain is the same
Pain medicines prescribed for you might be seriously dangerous for someone else.
They might have an allergic reaction or the pain medicines may react with other medicines they’re taking. These are just some of the reasons why we encourage you not to keep unused opioids ‘just in case’.
Not all pain is the same, which is why everyone should speak to a health professional about how to manage their pain.
If you have unused opioids around the home, make sure you return them to your local pharmacy for free, safe disposal, and resist the urge to help a friend out with your prescribed pain medicines.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Not all pain is the same – return your unused #opioids to your local pharmacy for free, safe disposal. And remember - make sure you talk to your #healthProfessional about the right way to manage your pain. #RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Message 6: Don’t share your prescription pain relievers
Sharing prescription pain relievers, such as opioids, with your friends and family can be extremely dangerous.
You might not be aware of the medicines they are currently taking, or they may have a pre-existing health condition, which can cause serious consequences if combined with opioids.
There may also be a risk of accidental addiction.
These unknowns are just some of the reasons why you should leave prescribing to the professionals.
Don’t share your pain medicines – return your unused opioids to your local pharmacy.
Head to the TGA website for more info:
#RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids
Leave the prescribing to the professionals. Don’t share your #painMedicines with your friends and family – return your unused #opioids to your local pharmacy. Head to the TGA website for more info: #RemoveTheRisk #ReturnYourOpioids