Consultation on interim decision to amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to intravenous (IV) potassium salts
An interim decision to amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to IV potassium salts discussed at the June 2024 Joint ACMS-ACCS #37 meeting was published on 13 December 2024. A public consultation on the decision was undertaken during 13 December 2024 and 7 January 2025.
The consultation on the interim decision regarding IV potassium has been resumed in recognition of the broad impact of the proposed changes and to allow more stakeholders to submit their responses. Interested persons (including the applicant requesting the amendment) are invited to make submissions this interim decision on or before 18 March 2025.
Submissions should be provided through our consultation hub - external site. Submissions will be considered by the Delegate in making the final decision.
Please note that in accordance with sub regulation 42ZCZQ (4) of the Regulations, the Secretary must publish all relevant submissions received, unless the Secretary considers the information to be confidential information.
If you have difficulty accessing the consultation hub or uploading your submission, contact and include 'Proposed Amendments to the Poisons Standard (Medicines)' or 'Proposed Amendments to the Poisons Standard (Chemicals)' in the subject line of the email.