We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
Clinical trial notification (CTN) form - user guide
This user guide aims to help you complete the online CTN form. It includes steps for completing a new CTN, responding to pushbacks, varying your CTN and submitting completion advice. If you require further assistance, please contact us at clinical.trials@health.gov.au.
Accessing the online CTN form
The Clinical Trial Notification (CTN) form is available online through our secure TGA Business Services (TBS) site.
To apply for a TGA client ID and access to TGA Business Services (TBS) please see TGA Business Services: getting started with the TGA. Information regarding the various 'roles' within TBS can be found at TGA Business services - how to use the site under Roles: what each user can do.