The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Section 24 of the Therapeutic Goods (Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code) Instrument 2021 sets out the requirements for using endorsements and testimonials in advertisements about therapeutic goods. This guidance explains the requirements and provides examples.
Therapeutic goods are not ordinary consumer goods, with consumers of therapeutic goods a more vulnerable consumer cohort. It is appropriate and important that rules are in place surrounding the advertising of therapeutic goods to support informed consumer health care choices.
The Code prohibits certain individuals and organisations from endorsing therapeutic goods or making testimonials about them. This is to ensure consumers are not influenced excessively or inappropriately by endorsements and testimonials, and health care choices are made on the basis of an individual's personal circumstances rather than the experience of another.
While testimonials are a type of endorsement, an endorsement is not a testimonial:
- an endorsement is a form of support, approval or sanction
- a testimonial is a statement about a therapeutic good made by a person who claims to have used that good or to have used it while caring for someone else.
- Downtown Football Club recommends Beans Ease Muscle Rub - Endorsement
- Football takes a toll on my muscles. I rub Beans Ease Muscle Rub in after training and games and it really helps relieve muscle aches - Testimonial
- Beans make a muscle rub cream that can be used to ease aching muscles. It has been especially formulated to rub on easily and not be sticky - Endorsement
- I was really suffering with sore muscles after footy. My doctor recommended Beans Ease Muscle Rub. I tried it and it has eased the aching I was feeling - Testimonial and Health Professional Endorsement
There are some rules in the Code that apply to both endorsements and testimonials.
Endorsements and testimonials must not:
- contravene any relevant provision in the Code
- they must comply with all relevant Code provisions, not just the section of the Code which relates specifically to endorsements and testimonials
- be inconsistent with any information provided with the goods including information on the label or instructions for use
- be inconsistent with the good's indication or intended purpose accepted in relation to the inclusion of the good on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
- refer to health benefits other than health benefits that are typical of the benefit expected from the good when used properly in accordance with directions.
- I tried Beans Cough Relief and it gets rid of my headaches every time!
- Beans Cough Relief does not have an indication on the ARTG about relieving headache. Relief of headaches is not typical of the expected benefit of Beans Cough Relief.
- I used Beans Cream for my daughter's mild eczema and it helps - I appreciate that every ingredient is safe.
- Section 9(1)(a) of the Code prohibits advertisements from stating or implying that the advertised good is safe, or without harm or side effects.
- The Beans Institute of Health supports the use of Beans Omegas for acute pain and stiffness.
- Beans Omegas is indicated for helping to maintain heart health not pain or stiffness.
Social media example
Beans Pty Ltd makes a post about its vitamin product on its social media page. The post contains all the required mandatory statements and a 'click to buy' link.
Beans Pty Ltd is responsible for monitoring comments on the post. Any comments that are not in compliance with the Code must be removed as soon as reasonably practicable.