Overseas effective date: 6 months after publication (published 27 February 2014)
Replaces: CPMP/QWP/848/96, EMEA/CVMP/598/99. Note for guidance on process validation (adopted by TGA 27 March 2002); and CPMP/QWP/2054/03, EMEA/395/03. Annex II to Note for Guidance on Process Validation. Non Standard Processes. (adopted by TGA 13 January 2005)
Categories: Quality | Manufacturing
TGA annotations:
Although the guideline refers (in Section 7: Post approval change control) to Type I and II Variations and EC Regulations, it should be noted that these legislative requirements are not applicable in Australia. Australian sponsors should refer to Australian guidance on Minor variations to registered prescription medicines: Chemical entities.
Where EU guidelines adopted in Australia include references to EU legislation (including EC Directives and Regulations), the requirements contained in the referenced EU legislation are not applicable to the evaluation of medicines by the TGA.
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