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Itchy baby co. Eczema Moisturiser, Netura Pty Ltd, CON-913

Product name
Itchy baby co. Eczema Moisturiser
Sponsor name
Netura Pty Ltd
21076D and 21075D
Consent start
Consent no.
The consent is effective from 16 February 2022 until 29 February 2024.
Subsection 9(2), paragraphs 9(3a) and 9(3b) of Therapeutic Goods Order No. 92 - Standard for labels of non-prescription medicines
Non-compliance with standard
The product does not conform to the requirements of subsection 9(2), paragraphs 9(3a) and 9(3b) of Therapeutic Goods Order No. 92 - Standard for labels of non-prescription medicines, in that the product name on the main label is not presented in a continuous, uninterrupted manner, the name of the active ingredients on the main label does not appear immediately below the name of the medicine and the active ingredients of the product are found below a descriptive summary of the products action and not directly below the product name.
Therapeutic product type
Listed complementary medicines

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