NUROFEN FOR CHILDREN 3 MONTHS - 5 YEARS strawberry flavour ibuprofen 100mg/5mL suspension bottle (new), Reckitt Benckiser Australia Pty Ltd, CON-278
Product name
NUROFEN FOR CHILDREN 3 MONTHS - 5 YEARS strawberry flavour ibuprofen 100mg/5mL suspension bottle (new)
Sponsor name
Reckitt Benckiser Australia Pty Ltd
Consent start
Consent no.
Subparagraphs 9(7)(a) and 9(7)(a)(i) of Therapeutic Goods Order No. 92 '“ Standard for labels of non-prescription medicines.
Non-compliance with standard
The font sizes of the active ingredient on the carton labels and the 50mL bottle
label do not comply with the active ingredient font size requirements specified
in subparagraphs 9(7)(a) and 9(7)(a)(i), respectively.
Therapeutic product type
Over-the-counter medicines