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(Approval lapsed) CATHFLO alteplase 2mg recombinant lyophilized powder for Intracatheter Instillation (Canada)

Section 19A approved medicine
(Approval lapsed) CATHFLO alteplase 2mg recombinant lyophilized powder for Intracatheter Instillation (Canada)
Section 19A approval holder
Medsurge Healthcare Pty Ltd ABN 92 124 728 892
1300 788 261
Approved until
Medicines in short supply/unavailable
ACTILYSE alteplase (rch) 10mg powder for injection vial with water for injections 10mL vial - ARTG 64240

For the thrombolytic treatment of occluded central venous access devices including those used for haemodialysis.

Picture of CATHFLO lteplase 2mg recombinant lyophilized powder for Intracatheter Instillation (Canada)

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