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NYXOID naloxone 1.8mg nasal spray solution in a single-dose container (UK)

Section 19A approved medicine
NYXOID naloxone 1.8mg nasal spray solution in a single-dose container (UK)
Section 19A approval holder
Link Medical Products Pty Ltd ABN 73 010 971 517
1800 181 060
Approved until
Medicines in short supply/unavailable
NYXOID naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate 2.2 mg/actuation nasal spray vial - ARTG 309381

Nyxoid is intended as part of the emergency treatment for known or suspected opioid overdose as manifested by respiratory and/or central nervous system depression in:

  • the home or other non-medical setting
  • a health facility setting

For this reason, Nyxoid should be carried by persons at risk of, or likely to witness such events.

Nyxoid is indicated in adults and adolescents aged 14 years and over.

Additional information
Note that in the Australian registered product, the active ingredient is expressed as naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate, while in the section 19A approved product from the UK, it is expressed as naloxone base. However, both products deliver the same dose using the same device.
Picture of NYXOID naloxone 1.8mg nasal spray solution - carton

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