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(Approval lapsed) SYNAREL nafarelin acetate 2mg/mL nasal solution (Canada)
Section 19A approved medicine
(Approval lapsed) SYNAREL nafarelin acetate 2mg/mL nasal solution (Canada)
Section 19A approval holder
Medsurge Healthcare Pty Ltd ABN 92 124 728 892
1300 788 261
Approved until
Medicines in short supply/unavailable
SYNAREL NASAL SPRAY nafarelin (as acetate) 2mg/mL Spray bottle delivers at least 60 sprays with 200 mcg of nafarelin base per spray
SYNAREL is indicated for the hormonal endometriosis, including pain relief and management of visually proven reduction of endometriotic lesions and for use in controlled ovarian stimulation programmes prior to in-vitro fertilisation, under the supervision of an infertility specialist.