The medicine shortage reports database includes information about shortages of reportable medicines in Australia, including those arising from the discontinuation of products. Information in this database is based on supply details reported to us by sponsors. Any additional management actions taken by us will be clearly stated.
Important information about the database
Currency of information in the database
The information in this database relies on the individual reports provided by sponsors.
Sponsors of reportable medicines are required to report current or anticipated supply disruption within:
- 2 working days for critical shortages
- 10 working days for all other shortages.
While some medicine shortages are notified in the first instance of sponsor’s knowledge, others are reported with delay. The TGA continues to work with sponsors to ensure the currency of the provided information to assist health professionals and consumers with up-to-date information.
Types of shortages captured in the database
Only national medicine shortages are included in the database. A national medicine shortage occurs when the supply of a medicine is not likely to meet the normal or projected consumer demand within Australia at any point during the next six months.
Medicine shortages not included in the database
Not all medicine shortages are included in the database. The medicine shortage reports database does not capture:
- Non-reportable medicines: Most over-the counter medicines are not reportable and therefore sponsors are not required to report their shortages to the TGA. For further information on mandatory shortage reporting see our information for sponsors.
- Unapproved medicines: Medicines that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods. This includes medicines that were discontinued and subsequently cancelled from the Register.
- Local level supply disruptions: Local-level supply disruptions can also prevent access to certain medicines despite there being adequate supply of the product in Australia to meet demand. These are usually temporary disruptions that will resolve quickly when additional stock moves through the Australian supply chain.
- Recently resolved shortages: Sponsors report the date that the medicine will be available at wholesalers as the shortage resolution date. It may take a week from the shortage resolution date for stock to reach pharmacy shelves.
Reporting non-compliance
Sometimes we receive a shortage signal before it is reported to us. If you can’t get your medicine and you believe it is a national shortage, please email the details to
How to search
The database defaults to all current medicine shortages. You can also view anticipated and resolved shortages and discontinuations.
To search the database for all shortages and discontinuations for a particular medicine, type the active ingredient or trade (brand) name into the search field. You can then click on the active ingredient name or trade name for more information about the shortage of interest.
You can also download an extract of all shortages and discontinuations.
Access Full Medicine Shortage Reports Database - external site
To view all medicines shortages and discontinuations with a critical shortage impact rating, click on the CRITICAL medicine shortages link below.
Access Critical Medicine Shortage Reports Database - external site
Further information
Information about medicine shortages is available in the Shortages hub.