The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Alerts provide important advice about health products that may include safety information.
Reynard Health Supplies is conducting a Critical Recall of the above products. A contamination problem has been identified with the products.
More prominent warnings are being added to the Product Information and Consumer Medicine Information for all oral and injectable (systemic) fluoroquinolones to strengthen existing warnings about serious side effects.
Possible risk of learning, communication and behaviour problems in children born to men taking this medicine.
More prominent warnings about serious side effects for fluoroquinolone antibiotics
More prominent warnings are being added to the product information (PI) and consumer medicine information (CMI) for all oral and injectable (systemic) fluoroquinolones to strengthen existing warnings about serious side effects -
Nitrosamine and Nitroso-structure impurities acceptable intakes update
We are updating information for nitrosamine impurities and other nitroso-structure impurities in medicines including acceptable intakes (AI) -
More prominent safety warnings about the neuropsychiatric effects of montelukast
Additional safety information is being added to all montelukast products to strengthen and highlight existing warnings about serious neuropsychiatric events.
In consultation with the TGA, Edgewell has taken a precautionary approach and commenced a recall of all batches of these three products from the Australian market.
TGA Laboratories has released a report detailing testing of alkyl nitrite products