Alerts provide important advice about health products that may include safety information.
Latest alerts
Extra safety information is being added to all montelukast products to highlight the existing warnings about serious behaviour and mood-related changes.
Boston Scientific have advised that subsets of ACCOLADE and VISIONIST pacemakers have an increased risk of permanently entering Safety Mode which has limited functionality.
Pharmacists can use a Serious Scarcity Substitution Instrument (SSSI) to dispense Protaphane Penfill human insulin in the place of a Protaphane InnoLet cartridge.
Latest articles
More prominent safety warnings about the neuropsychiatric effects of montelukast
Additional safety information is being added to all montelukast products to strengthen and highlight existing warnings about serious neuropsychiatric events. -
Recall reforms update and new procedure
Recall reforms program update and preview of the PRAC Version 1.0. -
Elemental impurities in traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs)
TCMs sold in Australia are carefully regulated to ensure safety and quality.
Latest publications
In consultation with the TGA, Edgewell has taken a precautionary approach and commenced a recall of all batches of these three products from the Australian market.
TGA Laboratories has released a report detailing testing of alkyl nitrite products