ACV members
Membership of the Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV).
Professor Kristine Macartney is an infectious diseases specialist clinician. She is the current Director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance, a paediatric infectious diseases specialist at The Children's Hospital at Westmead, and Professor in the Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Sydney. She is the senior technical editor of the Australian Immunisation Handbook, senior lead of AusVaxSafety and have specialist skills across vaccines, immunisation policy and programs, epidemiology and research. Professor Macartney is also a member of the World Health Organisation Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety. Professor Macartney provides expertise in the fields of vaccinology, adverse events surveillance, infectious diseases, virology, epidemiology and paediatrics.
Dr Satyamurthy Anuradha is a public health physician with special interest in communicable disease control and immunisation. She has experience in leading the immunisation programs in Queensland, including addressing issues related to adverse events following immunisation, vaccine hesitancy and the School Immunisation Program. Dr Anuradha provides expertise in virology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, immunisation and public health.
Professor Jim Buttery is a paediatric infectious diseases clinician at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. Professor Buttery serves as the Head of Epidemiology and Surveillance for SAEFVIC and the inaugural Chair in Child Health Informatics at the University of Melbourne. He is currently serving on the Victorian Immunisation Advisory Committee and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Brighton Collaboration. Professor Buttery provides expertise in infectious diseases in children, epidemiology, vaccine program implementation, and paediatrics.
Ms Madeline Hall is a Nurse Practitioner specialising in vaccine preventable diseases with a special interest in vaccine safety. She has extensive experience in vaccine preventable diseases and is involved in advanced health assessments and risk screening of adults with specific vaccination requirements, such as persons who have had a previous serious or unexpected adverse event following immunisation, immuno-compromised persons, and those at occupational risk. Ms Hall is a member of ATAGI and a member of the Adverse Events Following Immunisation - Clinical Assessment Network. Ms Hall provides expertise in the fields of provision of immunisation treatment by an individual and nursing.
Associate Professor Ines Rio is a specialist general practitioner and medical advisor. She is the Chief Medical Officer of Monash University, a GP at North Richmond Community Health, and a GP obstetrician and Head of GP Liaison at The Royal Women’s Hospital. Dr Rio has extensive experience in board and high-level committee work. She is currently a member of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC), National Women's Health Advisory Council, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s Primary Care Committee, and the Department of Health’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities Health Advisory Group. A/Professor Rio provides expertise in the fields of public health, vaccine program implementation, and the provision of immunisation treatment.
Dr Vicky Sheppeard is a public health physician specialising in communicable disease control. Her current role is Director, Public Health Unit for South Eastern Sydney Local Health District with responsibilities including communicable disease control and provision of the adolescent vaccination program across the District of almost one million residents. Previously Vicky was Director of the NSW Communicable Diseases Branch and the NSW representative on Communicable Disease Network Australia and deputy chair of the National Immunisation Committee. Dr Vicky Sheppeard provides expertise in the fields of communicable disease control and in vaccine program implementation.
Professor Joseph Torresi is an infectious diseases physician, virologist and an international leader in hepatitis, travel medicine and vaccinations and multi-centre collaborative research. He has over 20 years of experience as a molecular virologist with expertise in vaccine research and clinical trials, hepatitis B and C virology, dengue, influenza and SARS CoV2 vaccine development. Professor Torresi is a current board member of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) Foundation, a member of the Healthscope National Medical Council and a Fellow of the International Society of Travel Medicine, the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He currently heads the Hepatitis and Virology Vaccine Research laboratory in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Peter Doherty Institute, the University of Melbourne. Professor Torresi provides expertise in immunology, virology and vaccine program implementation.
Associate Professor Janine Trevillyan is an infectious diseases physician, clinical virologist, and academic. She has an international reputation for the research and management of the long-term complications of viral infections, particularly HIV. Associate Professor Trevillyan is the Head of Clinical Virology and HIV services, and Deputy Director of Infectious Diseases at Austin Health, Melbourne. She is also an honorary Associate Professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Melbourne at the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity. Associate Professor Trevillyan’s clinical research focuses on understanding and preventing the long-term complications of viral infections, in particular the effects of HIV, along with the side effects and effectiveness of emerging vaccines. Associate Professor Trevillyan provides expertise in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, public health, and vaccine program implementation.
Ms Diane Walsh is an experienced health consumer and community representative at a local and national level. She is a member of the Consumer Health Forum and her current consumer health roles include the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation. She is a past consumer member of National Medicines Policy Committee, and the NPS MedicinesWise Consumer Advisory Group. Ms Walsh provides expertise in the field of consumer health issues.
Professor Nicholas Wood is a paediatrician and immunisation specialist. He has expertise in clinical vaccine safety and vaccine trials, and post-market vaccine safety surveillance. He is the Associate Director of Clinical Services and Research at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), Professor of Clinical Vaccinology at the University of Sydney, and Chair of the NSW Ministry of Health vaccine adverse event expert panel committee. Professor Wood also leads Australia's national active safety surveillance system – AusVaxSafety, the NSW Immunisation Specialist Service (NSWISS), and heads the clinical immunisation adverse events (AEFI) following immunisation service at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. He is also the Chair of the national AEFI Clinical Assessment Network. Professor Wood provides expertise in the fields of infectious diseases, vaccine program implementation, the provision of immunisation treatment, and paediatrics.