On 3 September 2018 we launched the official TGA Facebook page.
We encourage you to spread the word about our Facebook page by sharing one of the posts or images below with your social network.
Simply copy and paste one of our pre-prepared posts to your Facebook or Twitter, or download and share your favourite image.
Help us keep Australians informed about their medicines and join the conversation by using our hashtag #TGALiftOff
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for making sure the medicines and medical devices Australians use are safe. Keep up to date with the latest TGA news by heading to their new Facebook page www.facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
Medicines and medical devices are a part of many Australian lives. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has launched their new Facebook page where you'll find lots of information about medicines and medical devices. Check out their page at www.facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
The TGA has a new Facebook page. There's lots of information for you and your family and friends about medicines and medical devices that are used in Australia. Check out their page at www.facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
The TGA has launched their new Facebook page – join the conversation @ facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
Need the lowdown on medicine and medical device regulation? Head over to the TGA's new Facebook page www.facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
The Therapeutic Goods Administration Facebook page is here! Get the latest updates and #safety info on #medicines and #medicalDevices at www.facebook.com/TGAgovau #TGALiftOff #TGAFacebook
TGA Facebook launch media kit (pdf,844kb)
Rocket image to share with your networks (png,60kb)
Rocket with people image to share with your networks (png,88kb)