Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is warning consumers to be alert to misleading claims made online about Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) for the treatment, cure, prevention or alleviation of disease in humans, including COVID-19.
MMS is often marketed as water purification drops and may be offered under different names, including Miracle Mineral Supplement. It contains a high concentration of sodium chlorite, which is a chemical used as a textile bleaching agent and disinfectant. Products containing high concentrations of sodium chlorite pose a serious health risk if consumed by humans and should be labelled with the appropriate warnings.
MMS has not been approved by the TGA for use to treat, cure, prevent or alleviate any disease or condition.
The TGA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from misleading and unfounded claims relating to COVID-19, and has published a warning about illegal advertising relating to COVID-19.
In Australia, products that are used in the purification or treatment of drinking water, and are not marketed with therapeutic claims, are not considered therapeutic goods.
The TGA published a web statement regarding MMS in 2014 after people were hospitalised in Victoria after consuming the product.
Information for consumers
Consumers should be alert to any misleading claims made online about MMS for the treatment, cure, prevention or alleviation of disease in humans, including COVID-19.
Using MMS at higher concentrations or for purposes other than water purification can pose a serious risk to your health.
Using MMS in this way can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and severe dehydration.
You are reminded of the risks associated with buying medicines over the internet, particularly if the sellers are based overseas. Products purchased over the internet may contain undisclosed and potentially harmful ingredients, and may not meet the same standards of quality, safety and efficacy as those approved by the TGA for supply in Australia.
You are strongly encouraged to talk to a health professional before using any unapproved product that makes therapeutic claims.
Information for health professionals
Consider advising patients of the risks of using MMS at higher concentrations or for purposes other than water purification, as well as those associated with buying medicines over the internet and using any unapproved products that make therapeutic claims.
Reporting problems
The TGA encourages online advertising complaints - external site to prevent potentially serious consequences.
Additionally, consumers and health professionals are encouraged to report problems with medicines or vaccines. Your report will contribute to the TGA's monitoring of these products.
The TGA cannot give advice about an individual's medical condition. You are strongly encouraged to talk with a health professional if you are concerned about a possible adverse event associated with a medicine or vaccine.