Advertising codeine to the general public is prohibited
Information for sponsors and advertisers about advertising codeine.
Codeine is a prescription-only medicine and cannot be advertised to the public. Understand how to mention codeine in education activities and directly to health professionals.
Medicines containing codeine are no longer available without a prescription from a health professional.
We prohibit advertising prescription-only medicines, such as codeine to the public.
We recognise the need for a factual dialogue around codeine and other prescription pain-relief products. However, if the information is promotional, it would be considered an advertisement and illegal.
Pain management education involving codeine
If education material is factual, balanced and non-promotional it may not be considered advertising.
For help and more information see: Advertising requirements for disease education activities.
Advertising codeine to health professionals
Prescription-only medicines can be advertised exclusively to health professionals.
To find out more details and what the requirements are see: Advertising to health professionals so that consumer rules do not apply.