We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
A person (including a company) who believes they have, or are likely to have breached an offence or civil penalty provision in the TGA legislation, can apply to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing to enter into a written undertaking as an alternative to court action being commenced by the TGA.
If the Secretary accepts the Undertaking, the offending or potential offending party is bound by the terms agreed to in the Undertaking. A breach of the terms can result in the matter being referred to the Federal Court who can make orders under Section 42YL(5) of the Act.
- Enforceable undertaking guidelines
The acceptance of an enforceable undertaking is one of a number of options available to secure compliance with the Act and regulations
Enforceable undertakings
- Enforceable undertaking: Doughbot Enterprises Pty Ltd and Stuart Singleton
- Enforceable undertaking: Strapit Medical and Sports Supplies Pty Ltd
- Enforceable undertaking: Shen Neng Herbal Medicines Group Pty Ltd
- Enforceable undertaking: Chemforce Pty Ltd