The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
Do you supply and/or manufacture therapeutic goods or want to?
This section includes information about the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia, including standards and guidelines for different product types.
Information to help small & medium enterprises (including R&D groups developing new products) better understand Australian therapeutic goods regulation...
Basics of therapeutic goods regulation & information relevant to all products...
Guidance and learning resources for advertisers along with updates and information about the regulation of therapeutic goods advertising...
Regulation of sunscreens, requirements, standards, guidelines...
Regulation of biologicals, requirements, standards, guidelines...
Regulation of blood & tissues, requirements, standards, guidelines...
Regulation of other therapeutic goods, requirements, standards, guidelines...
Manufacturing therapeutic goods
Regulation of manufacturers, requirements, standards, guidelines...
Scheduling medicines & poisons
What is scheduling, the Poisons Standard, requirements & guidelines...