On 4 May 2011, the TGA launched its new corporate website at http://www.tga.gov.au. The new website has been designed to improve the experience of visitors to the website, and to promote openness and transparency of TGA activities.
The TGA website receives on average 200,000 unique visitors every month, and is an important resource for all those interested in the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia.
The new website is designed to target information to each audience group:
You will notice prominent links from the home page to:
- Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
- New updates to the website
- eBusiness Services
- Publication lists
- Forms lists
New features of the website include:
- A 'Featured' section to promote current activities and important information
- A Prescribing Medicines in Pregnancy database for use by health professionals
In order to assist regular visitors to the site manage the change, we have created the following information sheets to help users locate their regularly used pages and favourites:
Work on improving the TGA website is ongoing; use of the search engine will be monitored, and then optimised to meet user requirements, we will continue to revise and update content and establish more online communications services to meet the needs of our stakeholders.
Navigation guide - where to find information that was on the TGA homepage on the new TGA website
A fully searchable list of URLs will be published on the TGA website Wednesday 27 April 2011. This list is a high level overview of the new site.
Question & answer fact sheet
Why have you relaunched the TGA website?
Redeveloping a website periodically is always a good idea. The TGA website was last redeveloped in 2007 so it was time for it to be upgraded.
As part of the redevelopment we have been able to address key issues relating to effective navigation, and have also taken the opportunity to review 13 years of website content.
As part of the redevelopment we have acted on resolving some of the problems identified by respondents to the TGA Communication and Consultation Processes: Online Survey.
What's changed?
- New navigation: Get easier and faster access to the pages you need through our new navigation bar at the top of the page. The most popular pages on the website are listed on the right-hand side of the homepage. Quick access to particular areas, for example prescription medicines regulation, is available from the navigation bar at the top of the page and the site map in the website footer.
- New quick access list: If you are looking for a particular form or publication these are now available through quick access lists from the 'Publications' or 'Forms' links on the home page.
- New design: The TGA has a new 'look' which has been incorporated into the website. The majority of TGA publications and forms have been reformatted into the new style so all our publications look and feel professional and consistent.
All TGA documents and web pages are all laid out in a consistent manner that means they are more usable and accessible for people with disabilities.
I have many of your links bookmarked as favourites. What would happen if I click on these links now?
All the document and web page 'addresses' (URLs) on the TGA website have changed. If you have old URLS bookmarked you need to update them with the new URL. A list of old to new URLs is available to help you manage this change.
Was the redeveloped website tested?
Yes, the redeveloped website is the result of extensive testing and consultation with external and internal stakeholders. Representatives from consumer advocate groups, healthcare professionals and industry were involved in both the creation of the website design, and testing of the website.
A public consultation on the proposed content and structure of the redeveloped website was also conducted.
The publications and forms all look different. Have they been changed?
The majority of our publications and forms have just been moved into a new format so they can be accessible to people with disabilities. Check the version history on the third page of the publications to see if the publication has been updated.
What are the 'basics' pages?
The 'basics' pages provide a simplified overview of the regulatory process to help first-time visitors gain an overview of the work of TGA.
This recognises that a wide range of individuals use our website and members of the public may just be browsing for information to help them understand who we are and what we do.
More detailed information on our regulatory processes is available in the official TGA publications and guidelines.
What information is listed on the 'News' page?
Any content which has been published or substantially updated will be listed on a daily basis on the News page.
What information will be in the 'Featured' area on the homepage?
The 'Featured' area will be used to highlight important information and the activities of the TGA, such as safety information or current consultations. After the redeveloped website has been operating for a few weeks, this area will provide a new 'Featured' page every time you refresh your screen.
What is the TGA website archive?
Because many of the older documents published by the TGA have historical value, a new section of the website, the TGA website archive, has been set up. It is provided to assist with research and may contain references to activities or policies that have no current application.
What other improvements are planned?
The TGA will continue to work on improving the website by upgrading the search engine, continuing to revise and update content and setting up more email subscription services.
The redeveloped TGA website will be launched on 4 May 2011
Media releases -
Guidance changes are coming soon
NewsSome changes are rolling out soon to improve your experience using guidance on our website. We’re aiming to make our content clearer, more accessible and easier to navigate. -
TGA Business Services site replaces eBS
Media releases