Scheduling is a national classification system that controls how medicines and poisons are made available to the public. Medicines and poisons are classified into schedules such as pharmacy only or prohibited substance. To protect public health and safety we regulate the availability of a medicine or poison according to its schedule. The schedules are published in the Poisons Standard. Amendments to the Poisons Standard are considered by the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling and the Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling.
We invite public responses to the amendments via scheduling submissions. We publish interim scheduling decisions and consult on those. We then publish final scheduling decisions.
Visit Trove at the National Library of Australia to read archived Scheduling decisions (interim) - external site.
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard closing 4 April 2025
Scheduling decisions (interim)We have reopened the consultation on the interim decision regarding IV potassium in recognition of the broad impact of the proposed changes
Scheduling decisions (interim)We are seeking submissions for a consultation on the interim decisions for IV potassium salts and nicotinic acid.
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions on proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard closing 18 October 2024.
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 23 August 2024
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 17 April 2024
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 2 November 2023
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 1 September 2023
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 10 August 2023
Scheduling decisions (interim)Interim decisions and invitation for further comment. Closing date: 3 March 2023